Centrum Lakeview

Located on an irregular shaped parcel directly adjacent to the Paulina Brown Line Station, 3400 N. Lincoln (Centrum Lakeview) is a true Transit Oriented Development (TOD). The design of the five-story mixed-use building with 6,000sf of retail on the first floor, parking for 8 cars and 36 residential rental units, emphasizes its prime corner location and the acute angle of the site through the design of a unique glass and concrete corner expression. A switchback design created by an exposed, cantilevered slab edge, alternately frames the glassy corner expression, and ultimately defines the building top. This corner expression is further emphasized by the creation of triangular balconies for the corner residential unit and the placement of the restaurant entry (Brown Bag Seafood) directly below. A triangular glass bay cantilevers from the façade of the angled Lincoln Avenue frontage, creating an orthogonal bay within the unit, a unique view corridor up Lincoln Avenue and a strong vertical expression on the brick façade in contrast to the horizontal nature of the exposed slab edge. Clad in brick, stone, metal panels and glass, the mix of modern and traditional design fits in well with the context of this prime West Lakeview location. 3400 Lincoln caters to those who want to take advantage of public transportation. Green roofs and gardens further the environmentally friendly practices of this Energy Star designed building and the inherent sustainability of TOD developments.


Centrum Partners LLC


Arco Murray

Interior Design:

Hirsch MPG | Harken Interiors


2018- Association of Licensed Architects (ALA) Design Award- Merit

Just the Facts: